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Acupuncture and Herb to cure the knee pain

Updated: Sep 23, 2019

acupuncture and herb to cure the knee pain

Last week, We treat a Patient, male, age 49. the chief complain is: Knee pain of the right leg, fell pain in walking,especially walking up the stairs, knee pain is even more serious. come to seek treatment.

After the patient was consulted and the pulse was taken, it was determined that the patient's body was severe wet. Gave the patient acupuncture and keep the needle for 25 minutes to relieve pain at the knee. After acupuncture, gave the patient a 3 stick of Chinese Herb, take 3 days.

Three days later, the patient came back for a visit and felt that most of the pain had been eliminated. Continue to acupuncture for the second time, continue to take the original prescription 3 stickers.

The patient interviewed late was basically cured, can walk nearly normal now.

For any question, welcome to call 281-777-8688 for free consultation!

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