What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting a very fine and sterile needle through a strategic point on the body to improve the body's functions and promote the natural self-healing process or self-defense mechanism.
How does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture stimulates specific anatomic sites on the body to invigorate blood and body fluid, open neural and hormonal pathways, harmonious balance endocrines, regulate metabolism, strengthen immunity, activate energy in the body to get the result of health.
Why do we need Acupuncture?
Acupuncture can quell pain, relieve stress, balance appetite, keep good sleep……
Acupuncture also can help weight loss, Hair loss, fertility, vision issue ……
Acupuncture can help you have high-quality life.
When shall we take Acupuncture?
You can see acupuncturist whenever you feel uncomfortable. It can be before or after something wrong showed on X-ray, CT, MRI or Blood test……
You also can see acupuncturist after Surgery, Injury .…..
Which kind of disease shall we take Acupuncture?
Acupuncture can treat many diseases
What is the side effect or risks of Acupuncture?
As Acupuncture need insert the needle into the body, most one of side effect of Acupuncture is bruising, it will disappear in several days itself.
Who is not suitable to take Acupuncture?
Low energy because of hunger, dehydration or losing a lot of blood,
Who has hemophilia, bleeding disorders,often spontaneous bleeding or not easy to stop bleeding.
More information, please contact with us for free consultation !