Weight Loss
As various resources become more and more abundant, our daily intake of nutrients easily exceeds our body's consumption needs. As a result, increasing amounts of nutrients are stored by our bodies in case of emergency needs. However, seeing the fat on the belly pile up and the waistline getting fatter worries most of us: Oh my God! I can no longer wear beautiful clothes, and I don’t look good in photos anymore. Even more troublesome are the high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and high blood sugar that follow.
As a result, many weight loss methods have emerged. Some people try various diets, and others perform high-intensity exercises to lose weight.
It is very true that, to lose weight, you must first adjust your diet: eat less high-calorie foods, then change your eating habits, try to chew slowly, and stop eating at 70-80% of fullness. In addition, take part in more outdoor sports to help your body burn more fat. I believe everyone has heard and witnessed these methods. However, in the actual weight loss process, we all know that the actual effect is not ideal.
In our clinic, during many years of treating patients, we found that obese patients have the following common characteristics:
1. Like to eat
2. Don’t like to exercise.
Of course, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the behaviors mentioned above can be explained. If you don't face the underlying factors, but just force yourself to stop eating and do more exercise, you will end up hungry and tired. Not a lot of people can persist for a long time.
Overweight people often have spleen deficiency. The spleen is responsible for transforming the essence of the foods we consume every day. If it is deficient and is unable to perform its work, the nutrients taken in every day will easily accumulate in the body instead of being transferred to other organs in the body for their use. Then other organs will report to the brain about lack of nutrition. The brain receives this feedback and gives orders to eat more. so we always want to eat because some organs in the body are "hungry"! However, it becomes a vicious cycle, because the more you eat, the heavier the stress is on the spleen, which further reduces its function. The end result? Weight increase.
Since the spleen also governs the muscles and limbs, if the spleen is weak, you will easily feel the limbs are heavy and muscles are weak. How can you continue to exercise? You always want to sit when you see a chair, you prefer to lie down than sit. So the goal of losing weight through diet and exercise becomes even more challenging.
So why is the spleen weak and unable to work normally? A very important reason is caused by emotion and stress. We believe that when a person is under mental stress, it can easily lead to liver qi stagnation. If the liver qi is malfunctioning, the spleen will be bullied. Over time, if emotions cannot be well resolved, it will lead to spleen deficiency, which leads to the vicious cycle mentioned above.
Therefore, when we treat obese patients, we mainly focus on strengthening their spleen and transporting dampness. Of course, we must first find out the cause of spleen deficiency. For example, if there is liver stagnation and qi stagnation mentioned above, we must first soothe the liver and regulate qi. If there are other problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., they must also be treated and solved together.
Of course, we also recommend those trying to lose weight to develop a reasonable lifestyle. Realize that your condition today is the result of your lifestyle yesterday. To improve your physical well-being, you have to adjust your lifestyle gradually. For example, we recommend going to bed before 11 pm; eating slowly and carefully; to stop eating when you are 70% full(50% is better for dinner); do not eat anything after 8 pm, etc. These measures should be relatively easy to implement.
The essence of traditional Chinese medicine is to treat the syndrome and formulate corresponding treatment measures according to each person's specific situation. Let the body gradually return to a balanced state, and the weight will naturally decrease. For example, a patient we recently treated lost 23 pounds in 2 months. At the same time, her blood pressure was no longer high. Her mental outlook took on a new look, and his work and life gradually returned to normal.