The symptoms of wrist pain include numbness, edema, stinging, sensitivity, or pain in the wrist or fingers, the joints are not active, and it is difficult to bend the fingers to hold things. Also, the movement of the fingers increases the discomfort. This is the obvious symptoms of tendon sheath inflammation.
From the view of Traditional Medicine, the wrist pain is mainly because the Qi and Blood was blocked inside the meridians which pass by the wrist. so acupuncture can strength the Qi and Blood and let them move smoothly inside the meridians.
Sometimes we think the Damp is inside the body , it will also affect the wrist. just as we usually call Rheumatoid arthritis. So we will give patient some natural herbs to take the damp out of our body.
You can watch the testimony video from our patient who had arthritis of fingers on our home page. Her finger felt no pain anymore after 2-3 times treatment in our clinic.